Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lets Talk About My Movie

Well, I just read through all of my previous blog entries, as one must always do when they haven't blogged in a while.  And I must say, much of it is rather pathetic and embarrassing.  How vulnerable I was in discussing my fears and inabilities!  And how much (I hope) I have grown since then!

So, here I am, almost as fully educated (for academic credit) as I am going to get.  I took my first college course 12 years ago.  South Puget Sound Community College, Grays Harbor Community College, Simpson College, Multnomah Bible College, and finally Central Washington University.  My major pursuits have been communications, journalism, teaching, accounting and finally Film Production with a minor in Business.  I am pleased with the (long) road that it's taken to get here.  That's just me.  I like to do things my own way.  Take my time and figure things out.  I hate commitment without absolute assurance.  And I know, with certainty, that I am pursuing what I positively want to do.  I am happy.  I'm not tied down to anything.  I don't have a mortgage to worry about, or children to take care of, or a spouse's career to take into account when making life decisions.  I have an adorable apartment that feels like home, close friends who mean the world to me, and a world of opportunities and possibilities.  Life is good.

Right now, I am in pre-production for a short film that I wrote, I am the Scheduling Director for the school's new awesome tv station, and I am reading the script for a feature film that I was asked to be Production Manager for.  Needless to say, I am busy.

My short film is consuming my life.  If I'm not working on it, I'm thinking about it.  I go to sleep thinking "props, shot list, shooting schedule, Michael Crawley, storyboard, dialogue, auditions..."

Auditions are next week, and I am worried that no on will show up.  And we start filming one week later.  I can't believe it's already here.  But I have the best crew I could ask for, and I am so excited to get started!    I'll try and keep things posted as we move along.

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