Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fall 2011

That's when I should graduate.  38 more credits.  Right this moment, I have enough credits to satisfy a bachelor's degree.  I don't mind, though.  I had to do a lot of soul searching to get to where I am.  If I had finished school at Simpson where I started, I'd probably be the sad housewife of a fake and rundown youth pastor; spiritually lost and overwhelmingly in debt (I guess I'm still spiritually lost, but only mildly in debt).  My path is my own, and I don't do things the way everyone else does.  So I'm okay with being 28 when I graduate.  I'm doing what I love.  I feel inspired in class every day.  What more can you ask for?

I said that I was going to talk about why I sit by myself in class.  But that's just boring.  My personality changes when I get on campus.  I think I pretend to be who I was in high school - naive, shy, goodie-goodie.  Maybe because I had more friends then.  Oh well.

I start production on my first short film tomorrow.  The boom-mic will never have been used so perfectly.  Actually I've never done audio before, but I'm gonna fake it til' I make it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you didn't marry a youth pastor. And I cant wait to watch your movies someday.
