Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's day.  Today is a reminder that I need to get done with school already, get out into the real world, and meet a real adult male.  For now, this is life in hyper speed.

I hate my studio production class.  I can't tell if I hate the content, the teaching style and thus the culture of the class that results, or if I just completely suck.  I'm worried that it might be the latter, but I think that all three aspects play a role.  I was talked down to by some 20 year old on a power trip today, and I really don't need that.

In all, it has been a rough, emotional day.  I tried signing up for classes this evening, and three classes that I had planned on taking intersect so I can only take one of them.  So far, I have 10 credits for next quarter.  That isn't even full-time.  I'm worried that this isn't going to work out the way I hope.  If I have to wait until next winter to graduate - that's over a year from now - I don't know what I'll do.  I need to go see my advisor tomorrow, but his hours are between 9 and 10.  And I just want to sleep...until next year.

I'm so tired.  I'm tired of work, of school, of this town.  I'm tired of being away from my family.  I just want to be done.  I've felt so restless for the last 2 months; so frustrated over things that I have no control of.  I need to go on a vacation, but I can't go alone.  I want to go to Sasquatch, but there's no one to go with.  I'm sick of this shit.  Sick sick sick.  And so angry.  I'm tired of being angry.  I just want a god-damned break.  Is that so much to ask for?

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